Some things I want to learn how to do


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Snapping is something many people can do, but not me. It seems simple enough to learn, even though it’s not something that I will be commonly doing.

Solve a Rubik’s Cube

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I have tried to solve a Rubik’s cube a couple times. Each and every time I have given up due to it being too complicated. With some online help and perseverance, I should be able to finally solve one.

 Shuffle a deck of cards

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Card tricks are simple, yet look complicated and tricky. While shuffling a deck of cards won’t be useful very often, it looks cool and is impressive.


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I doodle and class and have taken art classes before, yet I’m still horrible at drawing. Even time I start to doodle, I erase it because of how terrible it looks. Drawing seems to be a fun and creative past time that will be entertaining.

Lucid Dream

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Lucid dreaming is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. Being able to control your dreams and having adventures every night seems to good too be true. Being asleep is my favorite part of the day, there’s no stressing about school or doing homework. Sometimes life can get boring at times due to doing the same things every day; go to school then go home and do homework. Dreams are a breath of fresh air as they may have situations that would never happen in real life.

Write in print neatly and quickly

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I usually write in messy cursive. Even I have trouble reading it at times, not to mention other students. Many times when another student is reading something I wrote, they need to ask me what is written because they have trouble reading it. So now whenever I know another student is going to be reading something I wrote, I make sure to write in print so it’s legible.

Play an instrument

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I have played instruments in school before. However, both times I had no idea what I was doing and just copied off of the person sitting next to me. The teacher moved very quickly and never taught basic skills, such as how to read musical notes. It was fun and I would like to play an instrument as a past time, not in a class.

How to talk and read in Spanish

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I have trouble with speaking and reading in Spanish. When speaking, I need to make frequent pauses in order to think of the next word to say. I also could use help with pronunciation. I could also improve by thinking in Spanish. Whenever I’m being asked or reading a question in Spanish, I need to translate it into English, think of an answer in English, and then translate my answer in Spanish.

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